Fact Check

Our mission is to provide accurate and reliable information to aid in searching missing persons. Here, we verify claims and rumors circulating on social media and other platforms to ensure the dissemination of truthful information.

How We Fact-Check:

  1. Verification Process: We employ a rigorous verification process that involves cross-referencing information from credible sources, including law enforcement agencies, official statements, and reputable news outlets.
  2. Expert Analysis: Our team of experts evaluates the credibility of the sources and the accuracy of the information provided.
  3. Transparency: We are committed to transparency in our fact-checking process. If any errors or inaccuracies are found, we promptly correct them and provide explanations for the corrections.


Fact-Checking Principles:

  1. Accuracy: We prioritize accuracy above all else. Our goal is to provide the public with truthful and reliable information.
  2. Impartiality: Our fact-checking efforts are impartial and unbiased. We do not have any political or ideological affiliations that could influence our judgments.
  3. Timeliness: We strive to conduct fact-checks promptly to address misinformation and prevent its spread.

Submitting Claims for Fact-Checking: If you come across a claim or rumor related to missing persons that you would like us to fact-check, please submit it to [email protected] along with any relevant evidence or sources.